Team Vitality
Team Vitality: Investor Presentation
Support the performance of a major player in esports.
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Team Vitality
Team Vitality asked us to help them demonstrate their expertise on the esports scene to investors. We immersed ourselves in the incandescent pre-match atmosphere until the explosion of joy following a hard-won victory.
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An “investor presentation” to reflect the team's rise to fame.
Our objective: to best transcribe the emotions through which players and fans go through, with the aim of ensuring that investors fully understand the challenges of esports.
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Team Vitality
Our creations amplify the story of Team Vitality's expertise in a competitive free-to-play FPS.

Those that hit the mark, those that rained, those that sold, those that convinced, those that may inspire you.
Celles qui ont fait mouche, celles qui ont plu, celles qui ont vendu, celles qui ont convaincu, celles qui vous inspireront peut-être.
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