Tips for Powerpoint, Google Slides, and Keynote presentations

If you're looking to improve your PowerPoint presentations to make it easier to reach your results, you've come to the right place. The Toolbox ofMprez PowerPoint agency is there to help you make your high-stakes presentations more effective.présentations à forts enjeux.

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PowerPoint Tips and Tricks

Data visualization at the service of your most complex presentations.

Be better able to transmit complex but essential information to your interlocutors and increase their ability to concentrate and understand.

Presentation tools and software

Interactive PowerPoint, the best remote presentation tool

Are you tired of banal presentations? Discover interactive presentations worthy of a website!

Case study

Expert Opinion: The Financing Chain: Actors, Measures and Advice

Are you a company looking for funding? This article is made for you!

Presentation tools and software

Using AI in PowerPoint

Discover our 10 essential AI tools to perfect your PowerPoint presentations.

Case study

Present your cultural projects

Museums, town halls, conservatories, publishing houses and other cultural businesses regularly need to use Powerpoint, let's see how.

Case study

Event presentation: focus on project management

To ensure a professional look during your various events, use a Powerpoint management team!

Pitch like a pro

Expert opinion: method for properly preparing your fundraiser with Fabien Collangettes

Fabien Collangettes, an expert in fundraising, tells us his secrets to perfect his investment research!

Case study

Metamorphosis of customer needs, from a summary report to the redefinition of their identity

Undertake the redesign of a company's identity and transform a brand image

PowerPoint agency

Mprez expertise, Powerpoint agency

If you are not yet familiar with the principles of a Powerpoint agency, let us explain to you what to expect.

Case study

Succeed in your financial presentation

Writing powerful slides for finance is not easy, but quite possible! We share with you all our tips for getting the best presentation templates in the financial world.

Case study

Everything you need to know about the annual activity report

Managing a business does not rhyme with approximation or impulsiveness. An informed manager will have the virtue of framing reality with a numerical summary, in order to tame the complexity of the organized action.

Case study

Powerpoint presentations for luxury

Discover all the characteristics of PPT presentations for the luxury sector

PowerPoint Tips and Tricks

Everything you need to know about information design

Discover how information design helps you change the organization of your graphic visualization!

Presentation tools and software

Comparison of presentation software: Which tool should you choose to impress your audience?

Discover 13 online presentation software and 6 alternatives to our PowerPoint B2B agency in Paris

PowerPoint Tips and Tricks

Advent Calendar: PowerPoint Tips and Tricks

Every day, find technical or practical advice on Powerpoint, to become an ace de la prez before 2024! If you like the concept, you can encourage us by liking our posts on Linkedin.

PowerPoint Tips and Tricks

Graphic trends 2023-2024

Discover the graphic trends that made 2023 and those that will make 2024!

PowerPoint Tips and Tricks

Capture the attention of your audience with the “5-second test”

3 - 2 - 1, let's go! You have 5 seconds to capture the attention of your audience. Not one more.

PowerPoint Tips and Tricks

The use of grids in PowerPoint

Discover an essential tool for any presentation designer: PPT grids!

PowerPoint Tips and Tricks

Masks, heroes in the shadows for coherent presentations

Not all heroes wear capes... but they can wear masks! Focus on the slide masks.

Case study

Is redesigning the visual identity of the giant Deezer a risky bet?

It certainly won't have escaped you: Deezer, a French audio streaming platform, has completely reoriented its visual identity.

Case study

How to properly present your 2024 marketing budget?

Why is it important to anticipate your marketing budget? How to structure and plan the coming year around ambitious but achievable goals?

PowerPoint Tips and Tricks

Our best PPT design tip: turn a slide on its head

To improve your PPT slides, just one tip: forget everything you thought you knew about the meaning of reading and turn it all around.

Case study

Graphic styles by business sector

Graphic style includes typography, colors, shapes, and images. It plays a central role in the visual communication of a brand and allows it to be integrated into a sector of activity.

PowerPoint template

The template for your presentations in a qualification call

Whether it's when you meet an investor for the first time, when a salesperson presents you with an offer, or when a candidate responds to your job ad. You decide in 8 seconds if it deserves your attention.

PowerPoint Tips and Tricks

Color psychology to control your audience's emotions

Colors are all around us and help convey clear, if unconscious, messages. Mastering colors means mastering the minds of others.

Pitch like a pro

Raise funds with a good pitch deck

Don't let your lack of preparation keep you from succeeding. With a well-constructed pitch deck, you can catch the attention of investors.

Pitch like a pro

Succeed with your pitch: What is a pitch deck and why is it important?

Learn how to build a differentiating and effective pitch for your investors, customers and partners.

Case study

How much does PowerPoint actually cost on a daily basis?

Time is money, right? And if we told you that you spend an average of 4 hours per week on Powerpoint, how would you translate it into €?

Pitch like a pro

PowerPoint: you are one click away from being more comfortable speaking

Do you have a fear of presentations? We teach you how to be the best at the click of a button.

Presentation tools and software

6 reasons why you still need PowerPoint

A tool that you would like to permanently remove from your PC, PowerPoint still has a bright future ahead of it.

PowerPoint template

Why will a PowerPoint template created by an agency always be better than an online template?

You do your job well. We do our job well. Let us offer you the best presentations possible!

PowerPoint Tips and Tricks

4 methods for your remote PowerPoint presentations

Do you want to convince from a distance? We give you all the keys to get there.

PowerPoint agency

8 reasons to use a PowerPoint agency

There are plenty of advantages to choosing a Powerpoint agency. We have selected 8 to convince you.

PowerPoint Tips and Tricks

Manage fonts well on Powerpoint

Discover the hidden meaning of typos and become an expert in unconscious communication!

PowerPoint Tips and Tricks

How can face-to-face training be adapted to distance learning?

Go remote, adapt your PowerPoint presentations.

Case study

How to apply eco-branding to graphic design?

We only have one planet, but an infinite number of possible ways to preserve it.

PowerPoint Tips and Tricks

Define the depth of your presentation content based on the size of your audience

Is adapting your prez to your audience the key to success? We'll let you judge by this article.

Case study

How can I strengthen my team's creativity?

“What do you mean, foosball doesn't increase my team's creativity?” For real creative advice, click here!

PowerPoint agency

How do you choose your PowerPoint agency?

Find the Powerpoint agency that suits you!

Case study

Should we present ourselves as Steve Jobs or Nancy Duarte?

Clash of the titans: minimalistic presentation vs detailed presentation

Case study

Greenflex case study Or how to format 230 PowerPoint in 30 days

Format 230 PowerPoints in 30 days?! We did it.

PowerPoint agency

PowerPoint freelancers vs PowerPoint agencies

Is this THE MATCH everyone is waiting for: PowerPoint agency or freelancer? We tell you everything, with transparency!

Case study

Powerpoint graphic designer: robot portrait of the ideal profile

PowerPoint graphic designer: our tips for finding your five-legged sheep.

PowerPoint Tips and Tricks

The process to produce your presentations more effectively

Time is money! So don't waste it dissecting your presentations and learn how to become more effective!

PowerPoint Tips and Tricks

The harmony of the visuals in your PowerPoint

You don't mix tea towels and napkins, but you can mix visuals!

PowerPoint Tips and Tricks

Remote PowerPoint Presentation | The Complete Guide

“Football has changed”, to use the words of a certain Kylian Mbappé. And for the prez, it's the same! Welcome to remote learning!

Case study

Renaming: Mister Prez becomes M PREZ

Because the change is now, Mister Prez is metamorphosing into Mprez.

Case study

Impact of data visualization and cognitive psychology in strategic decision making

Humans remember 80% of what they see, compared to only 20% of what they read. What if we switched to data visualization to be more effective?

Presentation tools and software

Which presentation tool should you choose?

Making presentations is a fact, but choosing your presentation software is another. Learn how to choose the right one in this article.

PowerPoint Tips and Tricks

Storytelling: 5 keys to help you convince

Storytelling is the art of captivating an audience: discover how to speak up and convince your audience!

Pitch like a pro

Succeed in your PowerPoint presentation for a videoconference appointment

This article is the first in a series devoted to a new way of supporting your PowerPoint presentations that has obviously been ultra-democratized in recent months: videoconferencing.

PowerPoint Tips and Tricks

Set the pace for the PowerPoint presentation with a navigation system

Optimize your presentations, thanks to a professional navigation system between your slides.

PowerPoint template

PowerPoint template: why does your business need it?

In this article, we explain to you why the template is an essential tool for all businesses.

PowerPoint Tips and Tricks

Succeed with a PowerPoint Webinar Presentation

Discover the big trend of the last few months, the new trendy marketing medium for businesses and startups, especially B2B: the webinar.

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